Seasonal Allergies: Overcome Allergies with Chiropractic Care


 As the seasons shift, many of us brace ourselves for the inevitable sniffles, sneezes, and eye irritation that come with seasonal allergies. Interestingly, while not everyone initially seeks chiropractic care for allergy relief, many patients at Keystone Specific Chiropractic Center find significant improvement in their symptoms as a result of their treatment. Watch Dr. Bill […]

Aches and Pains: Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic Can Help

aches and pains

Introduction Aches and pains have become such a common part of everyday life that many people simply write them off as “normal.” You might hear folks say, “Oh, it’s just part of getting older,” or “I guess I slept wrong last night.” While these aches and pains might be common, it’s essential to recognize that […]

Sleeping Positions: They Matter!


      We toss and turn all night trying to get comfortable. Should we be sleeping on our sides, back or stomach? Included are some health benefits as well as detriments to the 3 most common sleeping positions.  Back Sleeping:       Back sleeping is beneficial for relieving shoulder pain and aids in […]

Sitting Is The New Smoking


We know that smoking is bad! What about sitting? In today’s world, we sit A LOT. We are sitting for an 8 hour work/school day, sitting while we relax at the end of the day, sitting at our kids sporting events on the weekends, sitting on our commute to work, sitting, sitting, sitting. Sitting has […]

5 Chiropractic Approved Summer Activities

Upper cervical health and summertime activities

Summer is the time of year to get outside and get moving! There are lots of outdoor activities that aid in our physical and mental well-being! There are 5 summer activities below that assist in joint mobility, improve cardiovascular health, and even improve overall brain activity! Walking Going for walks is great for our joints […]

Women’s Health and Chiropractic Care

women's health

If you’re a woman trying to maintain good health throughout adulthood, chiropractic treatment can help you combat a variety of problems from muscle aches to chronic conditions and serious diseases. Females go through many major hormonal shifts in their life including puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. Spinal adjustments can help regulate hormone production in the body, […]

School Age Athletes and Chiropractic Care

student athletes

A growing population of clients seeking the benefits of chiropractic is school-age athletes.  More and more kids are getting involved in sports at younger ages.  The pressure to choose your “main sport of focus”, get additional training, and specialize in year-round activities has never been greater.  Kids are more specialized, more injured, less adaptable, and […]

The Principle of Time

principal of time

Chiropractic was founded on 33 principles that were established in the early 1900s that have been critically scrutinized and evaluated ever since.  Some are easy for everyone to understand, but many could be studied for a lifetime.  One of the most important principles to understand in your healing journey is principle #6- the principle of […]

Should You Crack Your Own Back?!

spinal twist

Should you crack your own back?! This is one of the most common questions I get asked, and you probably already know the answer!  Every week I sit across from clients and they tell me how one strategy they’ve tried to help resolve their issue or pain is “cracking” their own neck or back.  As […]

Trigeminal Neuralgia: A Story About One Woman’s Journey


We would like to share with you an incredible story told by one of our clients Nancy.  Nancy’s story highlights her journey through a debilitating condition known as Trigeminal Neuralgia and how Upper Cervical Chiropractic helped her!  She wanted us to share, and who knows, it might save someone’s life.   A Letter to Keystone Specific: […]