You Think You Can Heal Overnight?

Chiropractic was founded on 33 principles that were established in the early 1900s that have been critically scrutinized and evaluated ever since.  Some are easy for everyone to understand, but many could be studied for a lifetime.  One of the most important principles to understand in your healing journey is principle #6.

What is a Subluxation?

What if you are living a life that is impacted by a subluxation? Nagging aching joints, headaches, blurred vision, allergies, constant sickness, neck pain, back pain, anxiety. These could all be linked to the misalignment of the bones in your spine. You are living a sub-par life with little, or big annoyances, when you could […]

Why am I not healing?

In our mainstream culture, it’s really easy to get confused about health, healing, and where it comes from.  There are multiple reasons why people heal and why they don’t!  It’s ultimately up to you to begin to take control of your life and health.  Then we begin to understand the factors that affect our ability […]