Upper Cervical Chiropractic compared to Traditional Chiropractic


The world of chiropractic care is as vast as it is diverse. Within this broad spectrum of care techniques, upper cervical-specific chiropractic stands out due to its targeted approach. But what truly differentiates it from traditional chiropractic care? Let’s dive into the details. Traditional Chiropractic: An Overview Traditional chiropractic care, commonly known as ‘full spine […]

Advanced Digital X-Rays in Chiropractic Care

digital x-ray

Why Advanced Digital X-Rays? As the founder and a practicing chiropractor at Keystone Specific Chiropractic Center, I’ve dedicated much of my career to refining our diagnostic and treatment processes to provide the best possible outcomes for our patients. One of the most significant advancements in our practice has been the integration of advanced digital x-rays, […]

Restorative Yoga: Strengthen Your Spine and Increase Mobility

Black and white image of woman in downward facing dog pose.

Yoga is a great practice that strengthens your spine and increase mobility, and Restorative Yoga is especially perfect for anyone. Yoga: What Most People Think It Is Close your eyes and think of the word yoga. What is the first thing that comes to mind? Odds are you are imaging a fit woman in yoga […]

Osteoporosis: Risks, Causes, and Chiropractic Care

image of a human spine and surrounding bones

Osteoporosis: A Major Health Concern for Millions Osteoporosis threatens 28 million Americans, with women making up 80% of those affected. By age 50, one in two women and one in eight men will suffer an osteoporosis-related fracture. As baby boomers age, the impact of this bone-weakening disease will only grow. Chiropractic care can help those […]