Osteoporosis: A Major Health Concern for Millions

image of a human spine and surrounding bones
Image of the human spine and surrounding bones

Osteoporosis threatens 28 million Americans, with women making up 80% of those affected. By age 50, one in two women and one in eight men will suffer an osteoporosis-related fracture. As baby boomers age, the impact of this bone-weakening disease will only grow. Chiropractic care can help those with osteoporosis


The Toll of Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis accounts for 90% of fractures in people over 65, causing 1.5 million fractures each year. This includes 300,000 hip fractures and hundreds of thousands of other breaks. One-third of women and one-sixth of men will experience a hip fracture by old age. Disturbingly, these fractures prove fatal 12-20% of the time.

About Bones and Bone Health

Bones, living tissues rich in calcium, are vital for blood production and nutrient storage. They undergo constant remodeling—old bone is replaced with new bone. This remodeling is crucial for skeletal strength and is controlled by the nervous system. Bones also store calcium and other minerals. When these minerals dip in the bloodstream, the body compensates by pulling from bone stores, leading to bone loss if not replenished.

Understanding the Fracture Threshold

Researchers identify a critical point in bone density decline, beyond which bones easily fracture. Falling below this fracture threshold indicates osteoporosis.

Causes of Osteoporosis

  • SYMPOSIA: Astronauts lose bone mass in space due to microgravity, which disrupts bone maintenance.
  • CORTICOSTEROIDS: Commonly used for inflammation and pain, these drugs contribute significantly to bone loss.
  • ALCOHOL: It hampers bone’s ability to absorb calcium and maintain mass.
  • CAFFEINE: Excessive intake can lead to higher calcium loss through urine, depleting bone formation resources.
  • CIGARETTES: Smoking alters hormone levels in both genders, accelerating bone density loss.
  • NERVOUS SYSTEM STRESS: Stress affects hormone regulation, impacting bone remodeling and overall skeletal health.

Posture, Health, and Osteoporosis

Poor posture can affect physiological functions and contribute to chronic conditions, impacting bone health. Correct posture is essential for maintaining homeostasis and overall health.

Chiropractic Care for Osteoporosis

Often termed the “silent disease,” osteoporosis may weaken bones for years without symptoms. Chiropractic care can help by serving as an excellent preventative measure. Routine spinal exams are crucial for neurological and skeletal health. Chiropractic adjustments help maintain proper spinal structure, restore normal function, and prevent structural degeneration.


Osteoporosis doesn’t have to be a silent threat. With chiropractic care, individuals can manage their bone health effectively. Don’t wait for symptoms to appear; proactive spinal care and lifestyle adjustments can make a significant difference. Consider chiropractic evaluations to enhance your bone health and overall well-being.

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