Common Misconceptions About Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care

Upper cervical chiropractic misconceptions

By Dr. Bill Moss, Keystone Specific Chiropractic Center Chiropractic care has been a trusted form of healthcare for various ailments for over a century. However, with the rise of specialized practices like upper cervical chiropractic care, a few misconceptions have surfaced. It’s essential to clear the air and share the facts. It’s important to ensure […]

Seasonal Changes: How Your Nervous System Plays a Key Role

"Person sneezing into a tissue depicting seasonal allergies.

Every year, we hear every year the same thing around seasonal changes: “Every year, around this time, this happens to me!” Whether it’s allergies, an increase in pain, dry skin, or catching the common cold, this sentiment echoes daily. Even my clients, who have been thriving under care, often experience a surge in symptoms during […]

One Simple Commitment: Small Changes Transform Your Health

Neon sign glowing with the word 'change' in bright colors, symbolizing new beginnings and positive transformations.

In our fast-paced society, we often rush to the finish line—whether it’s speeding through diets, exercise routines, or even leisure activities like enjoying a beer. We’re constantly seeking shortcuts, focusing on the end rather than appreciating the journey. However, what if I told you that the secret to significant life improvements could lie in one […]