Anxiety: How Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care Can Help

anxiety symptoms

In recent years, a common concern among our patients at Keystone Specific Chiropractic Center has become increasingly prevalent: anxiety. Despite often not being the primary reason for a visit, many patients reveal experiencing heightened anxiety during their intake process. It’s no surprise, given the fast-paced world filled with constant streams of information and technological advancements […]

Advanced Digital X-Rays in Chiropractic Care

digital x-ray

Why Advanced Digital X-Rays? As the founder and a practicing chiropractor at Keystone Specific Chiropractic Center, I’ve dedicated much of my career to refining our diagnostic and treatment processes to provide the best possible outcomes for our patients. One of the most significant advancements in our practice has been the integration of advanced digital x-rays, […]

Seasonal Allergies: Overcome Allergies with Chiropractic Care


 As the seasons shift, many of us brace ourselves for the inevitable sniffles, sneezes, and eye irritation that come with seasonal allergies. Interestingly, while not everyone initially seeks chiropractic care for allergy relief, many patients at Keystone Specific Chiropractic Center find significant improvement in their symptoms as a result of their treatment. Watch Dr. Bill […]

Upper Cervical Chiropractic: Treating Conditions Like Migraines

Upper Cervical Chiropractic for Migraines

Hello! Dr. Bill Moss here from Keystone Specific Chiropractic Center. Today, I’m excited to share with you the role of upper cervical chiropractic in treating specific conditions, especially migraines, a condition I frequently encounter in my practice. Unpacking Upper Cervical Chiropractic My approach focuses on the upper cervical spine, also known as the craniocervical junction. […]

Snap, Crackle, Pop; Is My Neck Supposed to Make That Sound?

neck cracking

     Do you often feel like you could twist your head right off your neck? You push your head to one side and then the other and get that amazingly satisfying snap, crackle, popping sound? Or maybe you just turn your head to look over your shoulder without any added force and you hear/feel […]

Sitting Is The New Smoking


We know that smoking is bad! What about sitting? In today’s world, we sit A LOT. We are sitting for an 8 hour work/school day, sitting while we relax at the end of the day, sitting at our kids sporting events on the weekends, sitting on our commute to work, sitting, sitting, sitting. Sitting has […]

Chiropractic and Digestive Health

gut pain

Digestive health is typically a health struggle that isn’t often brought up by clients seeking chiropractic care. They may put it on their intake form as an area that struggle with but it isn’t a primary reason for their visit. Many times, after being under care, clients communicate that they notice their digestion had improved. […]

School Age Athletes and Chiropractic Care

student athletes

A growing population of clients seeking the benefits of chiropractic is school-age athletes.  More and more kids are getting involved in sports at younger ages.  The pressure to choose your “main sport of focus”, get additional training, and specialize in year-round activities has never been greater.  Kids are more specialized, more injured, less adaptable, and […]

What is a Subluxation?


What if you are living a life that is impacted by a subluxation? Nagging aching joints, headaches, blurred vision, allergies, constant sickness, neck pain, back pain, anxiety. These could all be linked to the misalignment of the bones in your spine. You are living a sub-par life with little, or big annoyances, when you could […]

Tytron: Digital Infrared Technology


In the office or online, you hear that at Keystone Specific Chiropractic Center the doctor uses the latest technology to assess the clients nervous system. But what does that mean? It means that they use a device called a Tytron to scan the skin of your back and neck to check for any pressure or […]